Asthma: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention


Asthma is no longer just a medical term. As the pollution starts to grow these inflammations are also starting to grow. It happens due to the inflammation and mucus in the lining of the airways. From the first stage breathing difficulties and wheezing sounds are the common symptoms.

Apart from these sounds, other symptoms are starting to show up. 

What Happens In An Asthma Attack?

Asthma symptoms start to appear when the lining of your lung’s airways swells and the muscles around them tighten up. The mucus then fills the airways and reduces the air that passes through them.

These types of conditions are bringing on attacks. The symptoms start with coughing and tightness in the chest area. These are the major symptoms of asthma attacks. If anyone is experiencing these kinds of difficulties they must reach out to the doctors and immediately seek medical attention.

Asthma Symptoms

The most common symptoms of asthma are wheezing and whistling sounds during breathing. This is the primary symptom. Apart from these symptoms here are some of the other symptoms that you must know about.

  • Coughing at night, exercising, and laughing.
  • Tightness around the chest areas.
  • Breathing shortness
  • Difficulty in talking
  • Develop anxiousness or panic
  • Fatigue and chest pain
  • Rapid breathing
  • Frequent infections
  • Trouble in sleeping
  • Pale lips or fingernails
  • Confusion and dizziness

Depending on the type of asthma the symptoms are also going to be different. But primary symptoms are similar to these symptoms. After certain types of activities often people start to feel more severe toughness near their chest areas.

If you are already experiencing any kind of the following symptoms. Then it’s better to consult the doctor immediately.

What are The Causes Of Asthma?

Asthma can develop from different environmental perspectives. Usually, children are more prone to asthma but adults can also develop asthma symptoms at any time.

When any of your parents and children are having asthma you are more likely to develop it. People who have a history of severe viral infections are more likely to develop these issues right from their childhood.

Apart from the genetic perspectives, there are many more reasons that are directly linked with asthma. 

Here are some of the reasons that might be the cause of asthma.

  • Health conditions like respiratory infections.
  • Excessive exercise
  • Dust or pollen-like allergens
  • Extreme cold or hot weather conditions
  • Presence of pests
  • Other environmental irritants
  • Certain kinds of medications like aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Asthma Treatments

For treating asthma symptoms you first have to classify the conditions. Then you will understand what treatments will be better.

Here are their classified conditions and trimesters. Which will help you to treat your asthma.

1. Intermittent Stage:

In this stage symptoms are mild and sometimes it lasts not more than two days per week and 2 nights per month. This stage is easily treatable and mild medicine dosages are enough to ease the difficulties.

2. Mild Persistent Stage: 

The asthma symptoms of this stage don’t stay more than two weeks and also stay up to 4 nights per month.

3. Moderate Stage:

In this stage, the person feels difficulties also on a daily basis. And asthma symptoms are restricting their daily activities.

4. Severe Stage: 

The asthma symptoms are seriously restricting daily activity. As a result the person also gets disturbed by day and night. 

What Are Asthma Treatments And Preventions?

There is no such way to prevent asthma. Your doctors only can prescribe you minor preventive steps to avoid any kinds of asthma-related health conditions and breathing trouble.

Here are some of the easy asthma treatments and preventive steps that you can take to make your health conditions complicated.

1. Ask For The Asthma Action Plan From Your Doctors:

According to the type of your asthma, your doctors are going to prescribe you the best plan to sort out the issues. And just need to follow those instructions to avoid the chances of an asthma attack.

Asthma is an ongoing medical condition where regular monitoring is required. For taking control of your health conditions make sure you are following the right action plan.

2. Allergy Testing And Avoid The Allergens

Identify which is the cause of your allergy. Then start to avoid the allergens. For example, common allergens are pollen, mold, and cold air. These types of environmental issues work as allergens and worsen your conditions.

Keep monitoring your breathing rate. When you will going to monitor your breathing rates you will get more approximate ideas about what are the triggering concerns and health issues.

3. Get Vaccinations For Influenza And Pneumonia

Staying with vaccinations can prevent the flu and pneumonia from triggering asthma attacks. These vaccinations can stop the symptoms before the situation gets worse.

4. Regular Monitoring:

Asthma is a health concern that is linked to human lung functions. So to avoid the attacks regular monitoring is also required. Measure the records of the oxygen flow in the body and your lung capacity.

Then start to evaluate both of these two and you will get the ideas when you have to consult the difficulties with the doctors. And when to seek their help.

5. Use The Quick Relief Inhaler

To avoid these attacks it will be better to use the quick-relief inhaler. Before using any quick relief inhaler always ask your doctor first. According to the doctor’s prescribed prescriptions, you have to get your asthma protective quick relief inhalers like albuterol.

But always remember using inhalers is not going to give you permanent solutions for your difficulties.


Asthma is a non-curable health difficulty. The symptoms can’t be cured hence you can control the symptoms. Asthma often changes its type. So for treating the symptoms you have to know which are the symptoms of asthma first.

According to these asthma types, your doctors are going to prescribe you the right precautionary steps.

If you suffer from frequent coughing and wheezing which last more than a few days. Then it is an alarming sign and you must seek help from the doctors.

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