What Are The Benefits Of Ice Bath Tub?

What Are The Benefits Of Ice Bath Tub_

Ice Bath Tub dips are not only beneficial to the body for relieving pains but also they tighten the pores of your skin and make you feel refreshed. In this article, I will be discussing the benefits of cold water dips and more.

Keep reading till the end to find out more information on the benefits and preparation of an ice bath tub!

Benefits Of Taking Ice Baths 

Here is a list of some of the more common benefits that taking a ice bath poses for individuals:

1. Provides Relief To Sore Muscles

Provides Relief to Sore Muscles
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/5h4puy2j

If you step into the ice bath tub then that is only going to relieve your sore muscles. Even the scientists aren’t that sure how it exactly works – but there have been multiple pieces of evidence from people stating that they have found ice baths to be helpful in relieving their muscle pain. 

Cold water can also actively lessen the perception of a person’s pain.

2. Supports The Immunity Of The Body

Supports The Immunity Of The Body
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/bddwuyhk

There are also multiple pieces of evidence suggesting that taking ice baths actively supports a healthy immunity system. 

There was a small study that was conducted, where the subjects combined immersion into cold water and deep breathing along with meditation techniques. After doing this, they had fewer symptoms of bacterial infections than the people who didn’t. 

3. Decreases Swelling And Inflammation

Decreases Swelling And Inflammation
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/2emmv8sb

This you might know already! For instance, whenever we get a burn or ache, we apply ice to the areas to reduce the swelling. 

When people take ice baths, the cold temperature of the water narrows down the blood vessels. This eventually decreases the blood flow to the muscles and reduces swelling and inflammation. 

4. Increases The Mental Health

Increases The Mental Health
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/4tfs55mv

Ice Baths are known to be great for a person’s mental health too. There have been studies conducted on groups of people, where it was found that people who take ice baths regularly have less depression, stress, and anxiety. 

Several scientists have found that exposing the body to cold water and using metal tub for ice baths, triggers a response related to stress and then activates the nervous system. These sorts of changes can improve the overall mood and also aid in adapting a person to stress over some time.

5. Lowers The Body Temperature

Lowers The Body Temperature
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/bdhxeyw9

Another one of the most obvious benefits of taking ice baths is the fact that it aids in cooling a person down when they are overheated. 

Soaking in cold water for even a minimum of 10 minutes is known to reduce the body temperature after a core workout session. 

Tip: Cooling down by taking an ice bath after an extreme workout session can reduce the chances of heat exhaustion and stroke.

6. Aids In Exercise Recovery

Aids In Exercise Recovery
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/mr2du4kt

After a person gets out of an ice bath they get dilated blood vessels – effectively increasing their blood circulation. The rich-in-nutrients blood flow to the muscles aids in removing the metabolic waste that builds up during exercising. 

This is another one of the reasons why people are known to take ice baths after completing their workout sessions. 

Tip: If it so happens that you do not have a tub at home then you can buy one of those metal ice bath tub that are available online. 

Steps To Making An Ice Bath

Steps to Making An Ice Bath
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/4mwcstr6

There are a whole lot of options to try out when making an ice bath. You could go all out the fancy way, by going to a spa, but that is by no means an absolute must.

In this section of the article, I will be mentioning how you can make your ice bath at home. The things that you are going to need are – a thermometer, timer, and ice cubes. To try a DIY ice bath tub at home, follow the steps mentioned below:

Step 1

First and foremost, run some lukewarm water and then put a thermometer in the ice bath tub ti get the accurate temperature reading. 

Step 2

Eventually, start adding some ice cubes to the water. You need to remember that you are wearing comfy clothing. 

You could wear a T-shirt with shorts before getting into the tub. 

Step 3

After all of that is done you can step into the ice tub slowly after the water temperature reaches 10°C to 15°C.

Step 4

Then make sure to set your alarm for five to ten minutes (definitely do not go beyond that). 

Step 5

Afterward, get out of the tub and then dry yourself off carefully. Then change into clean and dry clothes.

Tip: Some enthusiasts of ice baths suggest that it is better if you gradually increase or (decrease in this case) the exposure to cold water. You can gradually keep lowering the bath temperature – till the temperature you feel comfortable. 

A Word Of Caution

ice bath
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/bdjk4h59

Staying in such cold temperatures of bath water for too long can cause hypothermia so it would only be for the best if you exercise caution and limit your time of exposure. When going for a dip in an ice bath tub, make sure that you are setting a timer so that you do not remain in such cold temperatures for too long. 

If you notice that you are experiencing uncontrollable shivers and changes in skin color then you would best get out of the tub immediately.

To Wrap It Up!

ice bath
Image Source- https://tinyurl.com/4ydbj63m

If you are a person who has severe body aches and pain then this might only be a temporary option for you to relieve pain. It would be best if you contact a healthcare provider for that. 

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information regarding the application of an ice bath tub to be useful.

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