How To Do Cable Lateral Raise?


This article provides everything You Need to Know Cable lateral raises are shoulder exercises that target the middle head (deltoid), which is the small, rounded muscle located at the top of the shoulder. Studies have shown that this exercise strengthens both the infragrade and the muscles in the rotator cuff. 

This allows for multiple shoulder movements both internal and external rotation to be performed with ease. According to one study, competitive bodybuilders gain more shoulder strength by doing both lateral raises and frontal raises compared to doing just one.

Lateral raises activate the mid deltoid while anterior deltoids are more active during frontal raises.

How To Do Cable Lateral Raise?

How To Do Cable Lateral Raise

In one-arm cable lateral raises, the primary focus is on the sides of the deltoid muscle while working the front deltoid and the middle and back deltoids as well as the lower traps. 

Both arms can be used, but it is often suggested to use only one to increase the intensity of the exercise and stimulate more growth. There are basically two ways to do that and we are going to discuss both ways. 

One Way To Do One Arm Cable Lateral Raise

One Way To Do One Arm Cable Lateral Raise

Here in this article, we are about to give you a complete step-by-step guide to the exercise in the right manner. So let’s continue. 

Step 1 

To do a single-arm cable lateral raise firstly you need to select the weight that you are able to lift with only one hand. 

Step 2

Next, you have to stand next to the pulley machine in a position where your feet should be width apart. 

Step 3

For the next step, you have to maintain a good posture. In order to do that you have to push the chest in the forward direction and the shoulders in the back direction and while doing this you have to bend both your knees in a slight way. If you want then you can hold the machine with your free hand for the support. 

Step 4

To do the single arm cable lateral raise, in the next step reach across your body and hold the stirrup with your one arm. 

Step 5

next, you have to bend your elbow but in a slight way like in the 10-30 degree angle, and then try to raise your arm sideways and stop when it reaches the level of your shoulder. 

Step 6

When you raise your hand try to avoid rotating your arm while you raise the stirrup and give all the attention to the middle shoulder. 

Step 7

When the level of your hand reaches the shoulder level, hold the position for a minimum of 3 to 5 seconds and then inhale your breath while putting the weight back. You have to let the cable in the full steady position before repeating the exercise. 

Step 8

If you can do this at least 10 to 15 times for each arm it will be very beneficial and will be the perfect method to do cable side lateral raise. 

Second Way To Do The Two Arm Cable Lateral Raise

Here in this article, we are also about to give you a complete step-by-step guide to the two-arm cable lateral raise in the right manner. So let’s continue. 

Step 1 

Position yourself between two of the cable stations. 

Step 2

Place the handles on each cable at the lowest point on the pulley. 

Step 3 

Place your arms with your palms facing each other, your right hand pulling the cable on the left, and your left hand pulling the same cable on the right. 

Step 4

Stand up straight, your back should be straight and your chest should be out of the way. 

Step 5

Your feet should be hip-width from each other. Flex your elbows slightly. 

Step 6

Use your shoulders to pull each cable lateral outward so that it crosses in front of your palms. 

Step 7

Gently turn your hand, keeping your little finger slightly on top of your palm. 

Step 8

Aim to have your arms at shoulder height at the peak of your movement. 

Step 9

Hold this position for one second, 

Step 10 

Then slowly lower your hands until they cross ahead of your palms like they did at the beginning. 

Step 11 

Complete as many repetitions as you can in a set.

Are Cable Lateral Raise Is A Better Exercise

Are Cable Lateral Raise Is A Better Exercise

We already give a complete guide to doing both cable single-arm lateral raise and two-arm cable lateral raise and those who are interested in the exercise field know that the debate of which is the best between these two ways will never end. 

But one thing that every gym trainer agrees on is that you could have a lot of benefits if you do this exercise in the right way like how it is described in this article. So we say that this exercise is indeed better than many other exercises and we have proof to support our statement. 

Benefits Of Cable Lateral Raise:

To prove our previous statement here we are about to give you the benefits that you can have if you did both cable single-arm lateral raise or two-arm cable lateral. Those benefits are:

  • You will have bigger shoulders.
  • Your body will gain a good posture by doing this. 
  • This exercise will improve the coordination of your body
  • It will help you to maintain your tension.

Cable Lateral Raise Alternative


We already told you everything you need to know about the cable side lateral raise and now we are about to give you some alternative options of cable lateral raise exercise that you can do at home with zero equipment. Those alternatives are:

  • Barbell military press
  • Downward Dog
  • Chin-ups
  • Inverted Rows
  • Planks
  • Overhead Press
  • Superman
  • The Windmill
  • Warrior Pose


To wrap it up all we can say is that cable lateral raises are an excellent exercise for you if you want to give your shoulders a perfect and balanced shape and want to make your shoulders broader. Here in this article, we provide all the related information with a complete step-by-step guide. We hope that you find this article both interesting and informative.


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