What Is Scope MouthWash?

Scope Mouth Wash

Mouthwashes are a cheat code to getting the perfect oral health – a fact or a myth?

In this article, I will be discussing the scope mouthwash and other related information about the usage of mouthwashes. 

Keep reading till the end to find out more information about the same!

When Was Mouthwash Invented?

Mouthwash was developed in the late 1800s. They were commercially mass-produced in the late 1800s. The majority of the early brands regarding mouthwashes contain alcohol for stabilizing the formula. 

However, it wasn’t until 1976 that the researchers first discovered the benefits of plaque fighting off chlorhexidine-concentrated mouthwashes. The alcohol-free mouthwashes didn’t get introduced in the States until the 1990s. These formulas containing fluoride can aid in the whitening of teeth, prevent cavities and also reverse gum diseases. 

Origin Of Scope MouthWash

Origin Of Scope Mouth Wash

The Scope MouthWash got introduced back in the year 1967 by Procter and Gamble. When it came out, it was a green mint-flavored mouthwash. It gained popularity real soon as everybody loved the taste of mint in mouthwash and the fact that it protected the teeth at the same time as well. 

Scope originally held a thirty-two percent share in the Canadian market back in the year 1990. 

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What Does Mouthwash Do?

What Does Mouthwash Do?

Mouthwashes freshen up bad breath and can aid in reducing conditions like gingivitis and plaque. It also actively fights the decay of teeth and prevents the build-up of cavities. Mouthwashes really can aid you in improving your overall oral health. The ones in particular that have fluoride can even help in remineralizing the teeth. 

Gargling the mouth with fresh mint leaves will leave your mouth feeling fresh and give you a much-needed boost of confidence to start your day right. 

Tip: Did you know that there were promotional flyers of Scope Bacon mouthwash going around the time of April Fools back in the year? It was an absolute joke at its best. Cause there’s no way right?

Pros Of Using Mouthwashes

Pros Of Using Mouthwashes

Here is a list of some of the pros that the usage of mouthwashes poses for people:

Reduces Gingivitis And Plaque

When mouthwash is combined with flossing and regular brushing, it helps in flushing away the particles which can lead to gum disease. Then again, your best bet would be to go for a therapeutic formula that contains essential oils.

Freshens Up Bad Mouth Odor

When you have leftover food particles left in your mouth, it can produce an unpleasant odor. There are therapeutic and concentrated mouthwashes for these purposes which contain antimicrobials like essential oils – that can go a long way in eliminating the lingering scents. 

Prevents Tooth Decay And Cavities

Fluoride mouthwashes are going to be your best friend. Mouthwashes that have this support ingredient can actively lead to healthy teeth. It is always considered a smart move to brush your teeth with toothpaste containing fluoride. 

Cons Of Using Mouthwashes

Here is a list of some of the cons that the usage of mouthwashes poses for people:

Dehydrates The Mouth

If you are someone who heavily suffers from a dry mouth then it would be wise for you to actively opt for an alcohol-free mouthwash. 

Alcohol mouthwashes tend to reduce the production of saliva and even worsen the condition of the mouth even more.

Can Irritate Canker Sores

Too much alcohol can prove to be painful for open wounds and sensitive spots. Instead, you should go for a mouthwash that has animal mucins, cellulose, or even enzymes. This is going to promote the production of moisture in the mouth.

Only Falsely Masks Bad Breath

If you think that a quick swig of any mouthwash or even scope mouthwash is going to magically remove your stink breath – then you couldn’t be more wrong! You need to be consistent with your flossing and brushing techniques as only that is going to guarantee a good breath. Cosmetic mouthwashes are only going to provide you with freshness for a small amount of time – hence it is not ideal at all. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Here is a list of some of the most frequently asked questions regarding this topic:

1. How many times should a mouthwash be used?

A: In general, healthcare professionals advise limiting the use of mouthwash up to twice a day. If you use mouthwash more than two times a day then it is going to cause you more harm than good. This is also very true if you are using a brand that is typically alcohol-based. 

2. How long should a mouthwash be kept in the mouth?

A: Mouthwashes are generally meant to be in the mouth for not more than a minute. You need to make sure that you are following the instructions stated by the brand’s bottle you are using. If you swish it around your mouth for less than a time of thirty seconds- then it won’t be effective at all as well.

3. Can mouthwashes lead to whitening of teeth?

A: It would be for the best if you make a habit of using mouthwashes right after you have brushed your mouth. It is going to get into any of the gaps which you might have missed while brushing. If you are specifically aiming for whitening teeth, then it would be better to go for a mouthwash that has hydrogen peroxide in it. 

4. What are the best times of using mouthwash?

A: It is very important that you use mouthwash right after having your food and once before going to bed. Every time that you use the mouthwash, make sure that you are swishing the liquid around your mouth for a minute. 

To Wrap It Up!

If you want to improve your oral health to the max then definitely opt for mouthwashes. That was all for information regarding scope mouthwash and other things related to it. Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information useful. 


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