ADHD: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, Prevention


People with ADHD are a common neurodevelopment disorder in childhood. It’s often diagnosed in the youth and even lasts into adulthood. The typical symptom of ADHD is people face trouble paying attention and controlling impulsive behaviors.

Although Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can’t be cured no medicine can entirely cure the issue. But with proper attention, you can manage these symptoms and minimize the effects.

ADHD Common Signs And Symptoms

In the primary stages symptoms of ADHD are very rare. Most of the children have problems with focusing and behaving. Children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder do not show any different signs than the other children who have issues with concentration.

These symptoms continue to grow when these children start to grow. Children with ADHD do not just grow out of these behaviors within one night. It takes time for a full diagnosis.

Children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can face difficulties at school with learning. Even they often face problems with talking with other friends.

A child with ADHD might have the following issues.

  • They daydream a lot.
  • Children with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder often forget and lose things.
  • Frequent talking.
  • They make careless mistakes and often take unnecessary risks.
  • Children with ADHD have a hard time resisting temptations and trouble taking turns.

What Are The Causes Of ADHD?

Scientists are still researching to find the reasons for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is a manageable health factor. Still, the risk factors of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder are unknown.

However, the current research shows showing genetics plays a significant role. Recent studies showed all kinds of genetic elements with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

Here are some of the potential causes of Attention deficit hyperactivity.

  • Childhood brain injury and trauma.
  • Exposure to any environmental risks during pregnancy at a young age. 
  • Alcohol and tobacco consumption during pregnancy.
  • Premature child delivery.
  • Less birth weight and unhealthy birth.
  • Researchers do not support the popularity that held views that ADHD causes.
  • Often overeating sugar is also responsible for Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

These might be the causes of ADHD. But effects can be different from one to one. Someone can have the chance to show much more prominent symptoms. But others can just show up with very mild symptoms.

What Are The Common Symptoms Of ADHD?

Attention deficit disorder is an older term known as ADHD. Often children just face trouble focusing. For an accurate diagnosis, you have to visit the doctors to find the correct answers for the difficulty.

Do not make your own decisions after seeing the symptoms. You have to confirm after consulting with the doctors only.

1. Hyperactive And Impulsive

People who have ADHD mostly struggle with hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Along with this inattentiveness is also a frequently found symptom. Hyperactivities, constant movements, and excessive talking are also very strong symptoms of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. If your child is showing any of these symptoms always better to consult the doctor first and ask for medical attention.

2. Predominantly Inattentive Nature

The children who belong in this category are showing symptoms like inattentiveness. They also show symptoms like hyperactivity and impulsiveness. Inattentiveness is characterized by struggling to focus on a specific task. Adults who have these issues often face difficulties with attention deficiency and hyperactivity disorder. This includes disorder and inability to meet up important deadlines, meetings, and other social functions.

3. Combination Of Hyperactive and Inattentiveness

The children who belong in this category are facing issues like hyperactivity and impulsiveness. The most common symptom of ADHD among young children is this symptom.

Most children who are hyperactive often face trouble with inattentiveness. Inattentiveness including daydreaming, and difficulty with following instructions.

Here are the ADHD symptoms for adults.

  • Restlessness
  • Difficulty with meeting the deadlines
  • Lack of concentrations
  • Frequent interruptions
  • Mood swing
  • Difficulty with coping with the stress
  • Concentration issues during any public gathering.

Can You Prevent ADHD?

Experts still do not know what might be the reasons for ADHD.So preventions are not also possible. But if can find the issues fast you can take preventive steps and take control of the symptoms. Prior identification of the symptoms also helps you to minimize future difficulties and challenges. 

1. Good Parental Care

The complications of pregnancies are linked with Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It also increases the chances of the child’s ADHD symptoms. A healthy diet is required during pregnancy. So it’s better to avoid any kind of use of alcohol and drugs. 

Scientific research already proved that pregnant women who often smoke have a chance to develop symptoms like Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Other studies show all possible connections between premature birth and ADHD.

2. Right Diet

Giving your child a healthy diet is required whether your child has ADHD or not. Some experts also say that altering the child’s behaviors also helps the child. It can control the hyperactive behaviors of children. 

There is no scientific proof of the links between hyperactive behaviors and sugar consumption. Processed sugars and carbohydrates increase the child’s activity levels by rapidly increasing the blood sugar levels. And we all know overconsumption of anything is not good for health.

3. Structured Routine

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder can be controlled through a properly structured routine. Your child needs to follow a fixed daily routine. A fixed task in a fixed time is required. From walking up to eating meals everything needs to be in that routine. 

When children with ADHD have this routine they are going to be much more productive. The daily schedule needs to include specific time and activities.

  • Walking up in the morning.
  • Eating foods.
  • Playing time.
  • Doing homework on their own.
  • Watching TV
  • After-school activities time
  • Bedtime

When children with ADHD have a scheduled routine. Children can play close and free of any disruptions. It will go to improve your children’s ability to concentrate on their work and stay on the right track.

4. Behavior Management 

Often therapists are offering behavior management for children’s behaviors. Positive enforcement is also part of behavior management. During this time the parent must create a positive and encouraging environment for the children. 

Encouragements are also a very important part of behavior management. For behavior therapy, parents must remind their children about behavior and its consequences. Printed images or visual reminders are better reminders for children who have ADHD.


ADHD often starts with mild symptoms. But when a child is reaching adulthood symptoms start to show. The symptoms are starting to show up with a lack of attention and hyperactivity.

If your child is showing any of these symptoms better consult with the doctor and take precautions as per the doctor’s guidance.

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