What Is The Best Intermittent Fasting Window To Lose Belly Fat?

what is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat

Intermittent fasting is something that is gaining more and more popularity in the wellness and health world. It is a scientifically backed-up method of losing belly fat.

In this article, I will be discussing “What is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat” and more. Keep reading till the end to find out more information about the same!

About Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent Fasting refers to a scheduled approach to eating that consists of alternative periods of abstinence and consumption. This form of fasting does not limit particular foods but rather focuses on when a person should be eating them. 

The most popularly practiced methods of fasting include the 8/16 method. During this form of fasting method, the person has an 8-hour eating and 16-hour fasting window. There’s also another method of it – the 2:5 method. Here, the person has 2 days of low-calorie intake (nonconsecutive days) and 5 days of normal eating. 

Understanding The Different Types Of Belly 

Understanding The Different Types Of Belly 

It is important that you also understand the type of belly fat that you have – as that is going to help you in getting rid of the fat in your belly much faster. Here are the two most common types of belly fats that people have:

1. Visceral Fat

A visceral belly fat is more difficult to identify as that is stored very deep within the cavity of the abdominal, which is between a body’s organs and other forms of tissues. 

One clear indicator of this is that visceral fat is much larger than an average waist circumference. This applies even if someone has a flat stomach.

With this particular type of belly, there remains an impending risk of facing detrimental health effects. This is so because a visceral fork of body fat is known to release cholesterol, fatty acids, and other many harmful substances into the system of body. 

Keep reading just a bit further to get to know about “what is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat”!

2. Subcutaneous Fat

If you have a very squishy and soft tissue that is located right below your abdomen’s surface then it is very likely to be subcutaneous fat. This particular type of fat gets stored right around the waistline. It can also be found in other areas of the body as well – thighs, under the chin, and arms. 

This type of fat poses the least detrimental health effects. Having subcutaneous fat in the belly region is considered to be normal. 

But if it is present in massive amounts then that is when it poses a risk to the body. It can lead to heart disease, diabetes, and other forms of metabolic conditions. 

How To Choose The Best Intermittent Fasting Window?

How To Choose The Best Intermittent Fasting Window

Now to answer your query: What is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat?

There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing an intermittent fasting window for losing belly fat. It is essential to get a grip on each of the points to ensure a healthy, safe, and methodical approach.

Here is a list of a few factors which are necessary to consider when choosing an intermittent fasting schedule:

1. Tolerance Of Hunger

You need to always consider your tolerance for hunger before giving any form of intermittent fasting and calorie counting a try. There are a lot of things that can have an impact on how hungry you get and your eating patterns – like physical activity, hormone levels, and prescription medicines. Additionally, the size of your stomach can also have an impact on how often you get hungry. 

2. Medical Conditions

There are a few medical conditions that can increase your likelihood of complications related to fasting, including heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes. Hence, it would be best to consult with a physician before incorporating such a fasting technique into your lifestyle.

3. Suitable Lifestyle

You are going to have to determine the fasting method that is going to best suit you, based on the lifestyle that you already lead. You need to be aware of how your daily schedule looks so that your diet suits you better. 

Factors That Influence Weight Loss

Factors That Influence Weight Loss

Here is a list of some of the important factors that influence weight loss when intermittent fasting:

1. Levels Of Stress

Stress is a very important factor and impacts the ability of a person to lose weight to a great extent. Higher levels of stress increase the person’s craving for more unhealthy foods. 

It also increases the levels of insulin and the storage of visceral fat in the body. 

2. Composition Of Meal

You might do a fast for a total time duration of 12 hours and then later on eat a meal loaded with lots of unhealthy ingredients. This would put all of the efforts of fasting in vain. 

You need to try and eat a meal that is loaded with protein and vegetables. Try and include healthy fats and whole grains into your diet as well, but you still need to see to the fact that they are not taking up the majority portion of your meal.

Tip: If you missed out on my answer on what is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat, then you can go back to give it a read. 

3. Metabolism

Some people have been born with very fast metabolisms, while there are also people who aren’t. Weight loss is going to be more challenging for the people who fall into the latter category. While you are still going to see results when intermittent fasting with slower metabolisms, they might take a bit longer.

To Wrap It Up!

To Wrap It Up

If you are thinking about choosing an intermittent fasting window for curbing your belly fat then by all means go ahead with it – but also remember to consult a medical professional beforehand.

Thank you for reading up till here. I hope you found the information regarding “what is the best intermittent fasting window to lose belly fat” useful. 


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